Tuesday 16 February 2010

Monday Meeting, today

Yesterday was monday meeting and we had a lot to talk about and think about as well. It was mainly headed up by Phil who kind of felt that Polished Off was getting all the limelight and it is kinda obvious i was looking at my blog and its all polished off. So, while he is finishing off the storyboard we are getting on with other bits and bobs meaning that once the storyboard is finished all that needs to happen is animate, render and composite. Which is good because if we leave it, it will just fall behind, which is not good if we can prevent it. So, its all on Splay at the moment im currently working on the spotlight. Unwrapped the UVs for it and started texturing i wanted to keep some consistency so i asked Grigs about his pinstriped texture, images will be up later this week, but initial tests are good. I then believe i am unwrapping the uvs for the house then the steps in the iterior shouldnt be to bad, but Grigs was saying i might texture something that will be a challenge if i was too i feel, but will give it a shot i got a few ideas in mind for it.

As for polished off i will wait for things to come from dan and the rest i have a feeling i will be creating some textures, would really like the clock now :)

And today has been fairly productive with the dissertation just been going through my questionnaires and emailing a few companies whilst deleating some of chapter two and adding bits and bobs to other parts. But downloaded Second Life, which is all good and will also be some primary research for me but will have to wait and see what happens.

A presentation on Friday for PPD on which i believe

1 comment:

  1. cool, we'll check it out on Thursday and see if we can get this house sorted.
