Monday 29 March 2010

Monday Meeting

Today saw a productive day, nCloth is finished and texturing has begun for the radiator and i have taken over Grigsbys work on the polisher, which needs texturing and rigging. The rigging will be simple a squash for the bottom and a bend for the middle pole and maybe one for the handles as well. These are my targets for next Monday, which are achievable, Dalli also put some stuff in to perspective about how we would get graded and it was pretty scary at first, but i think we are all covered, we realised that Grigsby has a lot on and tomorrow i am going to sit down with him and get some useful tips on lighting so we can share the work load out.

Also, met Tom for the first time from the second year who joined in with the banter, which was good and he looks very promising as an animator.

Dalli also suggested some ways of presenting our blogs, which i think i will review this week and add some images to previous posts and some annotations etc.

At 2:00 we had a mini PPD lecture telling us what to write about in our 800 words, which isnt a lot when we have written a 9000 word dissertation, this has to be handed in on the 15th April so plenty of time to think about what jobs i want to go for once i have finished this term.

Thursday 25 March 2010

nCloth latest

Well, i have been emailing duncan a fair bit for advice and he is more than happy to help out, which is very nice of him and has helped so much. I am in the process of texturing the duvet but forgot to deleat the history before putting the nCloth on meaning the uvs go everywhere, but this can be changed fairly easily.

In terms of it working in the scene will be good, i think the way we will have to do it is through using nCache, which allows you to save nCloth movements allowing you to play it back within maya. This will then allow the animators or me to rework the animation ever so slightly so it actually looks like the character is holding the nCloth or the oxygen mask is actually on top of the duvet, i have tried tweaking it and will continue to do so. Below shows the latest video of the progress still needs tweaking!

Wednesday 24 March 2010


Well, today was a good day went into college early to have some peace and quiet before everyone else came in, checked my emails first and to my surprise i had a reply from Duncan Brinsmead, who is he? Only the person who helps create maya and especially nCloth, so who better to ask with the troubles i am having. He said i was going in the right direction with what i was doing and gave me some helpful advice, first of all i should be using a plane not a cube the thickness comes after wards, which is good as we want it to be thick. By doing it as a plane i dont have faces going through one another, which looks awful!

Whilst yesterday i was able to get it to work with Ed breathing i still knew it would struggle with extreame movements, even putting the oxygen mask seemed impossible. Well, fear no more as today i was able to place the oxygen mask on the duvet and Eds arm! I am starting to see the light at a very long tunnel with over 70 playblasts of nCloth from the beginning to now, it is great to see progression, by doing this it has shown me that trial and error is the way forward and keep persisting with it as eventually you will get there.

Tonight I am gona start doing the UVs for the duvet and either make a start on the texture or have it ready for tomorrow!

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Friday 19 March 2010


Guys im really strugling, i just dont understand it, working in the master file seems to be the problem! I created a new scene the nCloth works fine, i have the clean file of the master i add the nCloth and constrain the bed, it dont work, its like concrete, i dont change the settings or anything, im confused guys and working on it for 3days solid is anoying with no results.

I think i need to talk Hulse about it see if he knows anything, but at the moment m blaming the file GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIGSBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Thursday 18 March 2010


ok for some reason i am not getting any of the resluts i was able to with the old tests even putting in the same attributes will give different results, after 35 tests i am starting to get somewhere it does muck up when going absolutly crazy, eg. eds hands coming from underneath the duvet to strecthing them way up high and then slamming them back down.

But i am not sure if the duvet goes all the way down the bed at the moment it does, my tests before didnt and worked much better so if the duvet doesnt go all the way down it may help me.

i have also done a quick test of Ed breathing which works fine, so it may needed to be tweaked in each seen depending on what is happening.

By the way Edge it will be hard to see your animation and the nCloth at the same time nCloth can take a lot of power i need to do playblasts every time i change something as you cant just see it within maya, ther maybe a way round it, which i have not found yet. So yeah it may be anoying to work with i will post some videos up later, the only over alternative may be to manipulate it ourselves something which could be bad.

Animation Playblast

Well after texturing the clock i felt like animating and testing my skills, the guys got excited by me animating and with their advice i added a bend deformer. I added some follow through and some extra lil bits and bobs to make it a bit more exciting than it actually was, at the end of the day its just a clock ticking.


The vent textured and uv'ed ready to be put in the room. 1024 by 1024 texture created similarly to the machines base metal, used a custom brush i made in photoshop for the scratches.

Wednesday 10 March 2010


Im on a roll for the blog posts, well this one is for the work i have done today. I decided to uv and texture a wet floor sign i created a while back and did a test texture, which is noway near complete but an indication of what it could be. I have wrote some comments on what i think needs changing and doing, but for an hour or twos work not too bad.

Grigsby has been working hard with Phil to get an animatic of the final film which is looking real good and i am getting really excited about Splay! Grigs said that i could take over and do the clock for PO so, i got the film and strated unwrapping those uvs taking inspiration from the clock in Toy Story 3 i started to create a texture my initial tests were really bad and i was going to call it a day, but i decided not to and persist with it, the images below are work in progress and once again changes have been indicated that i feel are needed. I will continue to work on this tomorrow though!

What about the films

In the last post i wrote about how the dissertation took up so much time and that it does mean a lot to our grade at the end of the year, which of course ment that the films were put to the side.

However, of course i have done some work for both Splay and PO, for Splay i uv'ed the lamp and textured it i felt that it should relate to what Grigs did with the charactes, so i asked if i could use his pinstripe texture, which is very nice indeed. I tweaked it a lil added some brushes and texture to the lamp and Phil was pleased with the result! You dont really see it that much, but i felt that it should stil be treated like any other model, so it has a spec and normal map as well. I also decided to present it nicely.

Apart from that i modelled ages ago some props for Polished Off that i wasnt to sure if they were gona get used it looks like the fire extinquisher is, so i also uv'ed it and textured it, taking refrence from real life ones, i created a basic texture the image below also shows the changes the director and I felt needed to it, to make it amazing!

Monday just gone i was given the sink, which was uv'ed by Spence who did a gd job and had them on seperate shaders which makes my life easier. Over the past few days i have done many a tweak rendered out like 35 variations i think? But below shows the beginning, middle and the final outcome i have come to so far. I have also tested the mirrors reflection and it should work for the shot were Jed looks through the mirror, not sure if ed will but we will see what happens, my test was basically a sphere which was red.

Dissertation Done

Well, the dissertation has come and gone, so that is out of mine and everyone elses worries, which is a very good thing! We can now get on with the films, with no other projects except PPD.

So, last Friday we handed in our dissertations and had a team meal at the local pub, which was a nice time of relaxing and chilling. Talking what about what needed to be done in the final term, I am well up for this and I am excited with what is ahead of us, full steam ahead!!!

We all know what we need to do and what the goal is its just crossing that finishing line we may be like the turtle in the story, but we will come out victorious!