Tuesday 6 October 2009

Discussion, Meetings and Drawings

Well, this week has started off with a great lecture telling us aout storytelling and what that envolves from beats to acts. He used polished off and splay as refrence, which helped our group a bit.

In the afternoon the tutors came to each film and spoke to us about the films, its always nice to get some one not in our team help evolve the films and give us pointers on what can be changed and what is working. Dan and Phil rethinked their ideas a little bit, but these were only minor changes.

The rest of us have been concepting i tried doing another for splay but i just couldnt get the same mood and atmosphere as some of the rest of the team. Dan also needs more help in the concept department as objects and props are still being finalised. So, i today have just done some research and have started working in photoshop, which is going well. Learning techniques of my peers and through my own trial and error my style has improved. I tried to add new colours but Edgley had none of it, its fair enough he has a clear understanding of what he wants. So, income the pastel colours which in the long run will be more effective than having random colours all over the place.

So, for the rest of this week im just going to concept objects and hopefully we will have some final ones that i can then produce. But we will have to wait and see.

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